Friday, December 31, 2010

New Year Day: Camp Bastion

It is about noon here at Camp Bastion on New Years Day and just turned New Years to you all on the East I wish you all a VERY HAPPY NEW YEAR.
It is difficult here to juxtapose a celebration of the New Year with what happens around us.  We had multiple casualties yesterday morning then had the marines from Camp Leatherneck come over and give the hospital a BBQ (see pic) which was very nice.  And had some "celebration" with our small group of the New Year (I was in bed by different from home lol) then again a bad casualty the morning so it seems hard to imagine a Happy New Year. The biggest thing I can say is for everyone to give the "kids" who are doing the fighting ...and yes they seem like kids...the best support we can from a morale point.  If you know anyone who has one of theirs over here in the fight...make sure they know they have everyone's support.  That seems to help. Pic below is of marines going on mission outside the wire.

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Christmas at Camp Bastion Hosptial

It is Christmas day here now...and has been relatively quiet and people are about and fairly festive.  We just came back from Camp Leatherneck and a Christmas Lunch/ again waddling back to camp. 
Just want to wish everyone out there a very Merry Christmas/Happy Holiday ...Pic is of Carol Service (a Brit tradition) at Camp Bastion Hospital on Christmas Eve.

Friday, December 24, 2010


Just want to wish everyone the happiest of holidays and even a happier New Year. We all went over to Camp Leatherneck for lunch and waddled back to camp. A welcomed break.
Above is pic of our doc (US and Brits) at Camp Bastion Hospital taken this morning

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Flags at Half Mast

 It was a very dark day yesterday here. One died in OR (which rarely happens) and another three didn't make it to here.  This will be a very difficult 7 months

Monday, December 20, 2010

Way to Busy a Week

Sorry for not writing but it has been VERY busy here last several days.  We had 15 CAT A's the other day and most of them went to the OR.  Not all ISAF military, but alot are.  Lately the US Marines seem to be taking the brunt of it in our territory  :( 
We have a list which is called: “Things I have never done before” and even with being here a short time it is already getting long.
Current additions:
·         Wash/debridement of burn on 3 y/o (yes we do a lot on Afghan nationals)
·         Right upper and middle lobectomy on ISAF soldier with GSW to chest
The other thing is we have been on OP MINIMIZE for the last day + which makes communication pretty non existent.
Pic is of my new SUV which we park outside our tent.  I am pretty sure I am going to be able to take it home with me

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

More on Camp Bastion Hospital

The hospital get this....TWO...yes TWO  GE 64 slice CT scanners!!!!  Just amazing..they are truely state of the art and it is amazing what can be done and seen with these.  Really helps in evaluating these blast and other injuries. 
The ER is multi bed with essentially 4 major trauma resuccitation beds...with the possibility for expansion.
Pic above is one of 4 major trauma bays. Belmonts..only Level they are working on trying to get them

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Bastion Hospital

Last days have been way to busy...and is as best I can describe it gruesome beyond description....but I think I will focus on Bastion Hospital which is a pretty amazing place all in all.  It has a fairly long history and in 2008 moved into its current "permanent" building. The British run the hospital with about 70 US Navy support.

The hospital sits kind of in the middle of Helmand province but is close to Sangin which is now THE current “hotbed” of activity in Afghan and least for the US Marines who now have combined with the Brits here in this area.  The hospital has about hummm…50 beds and about 12 ICU beds and 4 ORs with the ability to expand.  We take are of ALL ISAF forces in the area and also all the Afghan nationals, police, and army. Pics are of the ORs...what is weird is what is allowed in the ORs as far as dress and has taken some getting use to...but more on that later

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Camp Bastion Hospital

Next time will talk about the hospital and where it "sits" in the scheme of things in Afghan but just thought I would post a pic of my wonderful accomidations here :)
Pic is of my "space" in 10 man tent. Ahhhh what a life

Monday, December 6, 2010

Importan Visit to Camp Bastion

I almost forgot to mention!!! We had a visit here from....The British Prime Minister.  Didn't get to meet..but did get to see. He toured thru the hospital.  As I said the base and the hospital are British.  Visit was kind of neat..but the down side was we were on OP MINIMIZE for like days...which basically means communication that was not good.. But he is gone...and we are back to ???normal???

Camp Bastion Camp Bastion. Pretty amazing place. Built in the middle of no where...and is the major British base and presence in Afghan and if the largest British base built since WW II. It is "home to over 20,000 +. It occupiers many square miles of real-estate. Camp Leatherneck is the US Marine position here and was more recently built and fortified and now is home to 10,000-20,000 + marines, and is inside the same “wire” as Camp Bastion so it is possible to go from base to base by walking. There is also a Danish camp inside the same wire also.
Ok...So i know alot have expressed concern on safety...and that is one big plus of being is pretty safe inside the wire...which basically i will NEVER leave :)

As stated it is built in the middle of nowhere..and they can pretty much see anything that approches from miles we walk around with pretty much a safe There are still possibilities of course..but prob not any worse than being in NYC lol... pic is of "shoping center" at Camp Leatherneck...
URL to check out Camp Bastion

The First Week At Bastion

Well haven't written much mainly because we have been really busy.  It is pretty hard to describe but it is war for sure.  So far just in this week we have had 4 double ampuations from IEDS...not good.  What is amazing is the rescuccitation which is truly outstanding. What we do back home is ..well middle age rescuccitation in comparison.  But  more on that later. Next post I will try and describe the hospital, area, etc..

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Bastion Hospital

‎6:51 am here. Am on hospital computer since Internet outside seems rather poor. SO....Am at Camp Bastion and at the hospital there which is called..yes...Bastion Hospital. It is British run and currently the busiest hospital in theater. In fact it is rumored that it is the busiest operative trauma center in the world...., the UNIVERSE. Not sure...but it is VERY busy. The British are incredible proud of it as well they should be. The US Navy supports the hospital and has a Det of about 70+ people here. Camp Bastion is HUGE and is located in south Afghan in Helmand Provence. Attached is pic of entrance which faces the landing pad.  More to follow

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Camp Bastion Hospital: home for next 7 months!

Sorry for not updating much but it has been really busy and haven't gotten hooked up to personal Internet yet. Still in transient tent...will send will be good to get into our tent and be able to really settle in. Hospital is Camp Bastion Hospital and is British run and our Navy group is a detachment supporting it; but much more on that later

Monday, November 29, 2010

Finally: At final destination: Camp Bastion

Hard to believe but finally have arrived at final destination but after a 48 hour trip from Kuwait.  First stop was to Kandahar on a AF transport for about a 4 hour flight.  Arrived in Kandahar and checked in to hospital there (sight of command for medical Afghan South).  Then flight from Kandahar to Bastion arriving about 11 pm.  LONG TRIP.
Checking in and resting today.  Will give more details soon

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Could be trouble in the sand trap

Ok so we were coming back from a briefing and saw a golf ball sitting in the sand.  All I can say...THAT IS ONE BIG SAND TRAP  :)

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Happy Turkey Day from Kuwait

Well it is actually the day after turkey day here... 7:30 am.  They had big turkey (and ham and beef)  lunch/dinner for all on the camp here and it was pretty good.  It was also a day off which was nice since jet lag has pretty much got to everyone but seems better today.  Some admin stuff today and then we will see when we head to Afghan. Pic is on way back from turkey dinner.  Wanted to get pics of that but they dont allow pics of eating facility

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

On My Way: The Flight to Kuwait

Well after 24 hours of travel we arrived in Kuwait at 5 am this morning (see first pic). Started at midnight last might with wheels off at 3am, stop over in Bangor Main, Germany and finally Kuwait at 5am.  Time difference is about 8 hours ahead. Have settled in some today. MRAP training tommorw, Turkey Day here then out to final destination Sat. Second pic is of "food court" at the base  lol ie: Note the MaccyD Arches in background

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Getting Ready to Fly Out

Well am back at Fort Dix after trip to TX for EMEDS can see the pix. Got back 2 am Sat morning and are preparing to fly out of McGuire 3am.  We are all pretty tired.  Hopefully will update when can. Not sure how Internet is going to be on route.
Pic is of putting up tent at EMEDS in TX....basically setting up field hospital and doing disaster drills.
This pic is of stopcking the "OR"

Saturday, November 13, 2010

1st Army Training #2 HUA!!!

Ok one more First Army thing! My new favorite expression. It is HUA (pronounced Whoo Ahhh) = Heard Understood and Acknowledge. But basically it means anything but NO!!! Just to let everyone know when I can back from this...this is what I am going to want to hear whenever I say

1st = getting ready for field exercise
 off to "village" to talk to elder and avoid IEDs!!!  2nd is our HUMVEE platoon   3rd is sunset over the FOB (at ft Dix))  where we stayed for last week of training

1st Army Training

So...Everyone who goes over (Afghan or Iraq) needs combat training first and that is what I did for the past 5 weeks or so at Ft Dix NJ: 1st Army!  Pretty intense with much of the days spent in full battle armor learning weapons, land nav, HUMVEE training, communications, IED avoidance training, close combat training...and more.   It was important just a little weird for medical people to be doing. 
Pics (in order)  Myself and my other surgeon getting ready for M16 quals (yes in full IBAs!!!). 2nd is going out for Land Nav  3rd = MRAP (Mine Resistant Armored Personnel Carrier)

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

The Start

OK so I decided to do the blog thing as a way to keep everyone up to date with what is/will be going on.  Hopefully I will be able to keep postings up so it stays current but we will have to see how it goes.  The first couple of posts will be on what has happened so far which is mainly my 1st Army Combat training at Fort Dix (and I will take a bunch of stuff from my FaceBook).  Just remember I did very bad in college lit classes and ABSOLUTELY no comments on my spelling  :)
Because this is an open posting I probably will restrict some things....and will be more likely to be a little more "liberal" on my FaceBook since it has somewhat restricted access.