Tuesday, May 17, 2011

The 4608: Starting to Wind Down

Ok so as we wind down our deployment I am probably going to start to get real sappy!  It is hard to believe that the 4608...,my unit (that sounds weird)  which is the smaller unit of the Navy contingent here,  is winding down and will be leaving soon! We have been here now over 6 months and by the time we leave it will be 7 months. The unit itself has been split between TK, KAF and Bastion, with the majority coming here.  It has been one of the trials of by deployment to try and lead and keep together all the members of this unit and to see that they are taken care of. Next to taking care of the wounded it is the thing I have worked on the hardest. They all have performed in an such an exemplary way!.I will talk more about them as we work our way home!
This picture is of the whole unit at EMEDS training in Texas before we came out (since we did not do Hospecks).  I am sure to all of us it seems so like another life ago!

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