Saturday, May 28, 2011

Casualties and a "Tea"

Our hospital here was the proud "recipient" of being chosen as the "sister hospital" for an American Tea 2011.  As you can see in the flyer volunteers (many from my home hospital!) put together at special "Tea" for people and wounded at one of the military hospitals in the US and they choose a sister hospital in combat to also have a "Tea".

We got a TON of boxes and special teas and cookies and set yesterday as our official TEA day at 3pm. A very proper British tradition.  Everything was set to go, our admim were set to distribute the cookies and have tea. The British CO and others were kind of excited (well the are British after all and  afternoon tea seems to be a tradition.) Unfortunately the war didn't want to cooperate. We had a s**tload of casualties come in at around midday and it didn’t stop. I lost count of how many.  But in all the chaos we did have our tea, and maybe it was even better since it was so welcome under such bad conditions. Thanks to ALL that made it happen and made a bad day a little better.
Pics are of everyone having some homemade cookies and tea in the midst of taking care of all the casualties.
First pic below is in ICU (ITU as the Brits call it)...notice the "goodies" set up in forground and taking care of business in the background.

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